Dream Lake House: How Financial Planning Made It a Reality

This is a fun story and was a fun experience.

Meet the Marizzi’s, a lovely couple, 68 years old, and grandparents to seven grandkids. They’re Know My Plan clients, have saved incredibly well and are set-up nicely for a long retirement.

Bottom line, these two don’t spend much and they actually need spending encouragement at times. Last year, during our annual meeting, we presented this question to them:

“Guy’s you’ve done an incredible job saving and setting yourselves up. You haven’t done anything extravagant. Is there anything you’ve dreamt of, deep in your heart, that you want to do or accomplish?”

Their answer was amazing and I think about it often.

Mrs. Marizzi took a second and then said: “Now we may not be able to do this but since you asked I’m just going to come out with it… We’ve always wanted to buy a lake house to enjoy with our entire family but we never had the financial confidence to do it.”


When I tell you that my heart quietly doubled in size when she said this, I’m not exaggerating. You know why? Because I knew they COULD DO IT.

I calmy and nondiscretely collected myself before I opened my mouth (and me getting ready to tell them this still brings tears to my eyes).

I said: “Mr. & Mrs. Marizzi, I’ve got some incredible news for you. I think we can make this happen.”

Mrs. Marizzi started to cry, Mr. Marizzi didn’t know what to do, you could tell he was moved but wanted to remain stoic.

We allowed them a moment to digest and then we began to hash out some of the hard numbers and details.

The Marizzi’s walked away from that meeting with a budget and we agreed to reconnect in a couple weeks to regroup.

Fast-forward to today (about 14-15 months later): The Marizzi’s are about to enjoy their first holiday season in their lake home, and Mr. Marizzi’s words: “Guys, I can’t wait to build a big fire, put on the football games, and have everyone up. Thank you for allowing us to make this happen.”

The long-term viability of the Marizzi’s retirement hasn’t changed at all, and nothing in their day-to-day, God willing, will change. However, now their financial plan simply includes a lake home.

We were able to make this happen for them because we planned. If you’re reading this and still waiting to get started, on the sidelines, please connect with us and let’s get started. The sooner the better, time is your friend.

We help high-achieving professionals retire to a life they love.

If you could use the help of a financial planner, please connect with us.


This is a hypothetical situation based on real life examples. Names and circumstances have been changed. The opinions voiced in this material are for general information only and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual. To determine which investments or strategies may be appropriate for you, consult your advisor prior to investing.

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