Looking for a Financial Advisor? Discover if Know My Plan is Your Perfect Match

Nic, are you taking on new clients? Would we be a good fit (as clients)?

We’re hearing this a lot lately and here’s a quick look at what’s been going on at Know My Plan: Most of the new families that are inquiring about working with us are high-achieving professionals between 35 and 50 years old and their situation often looks like this:

  • On average, household income is above $250K and net worth is greater than $1m
  • 2-3 children in the house
  • Large SUV’s or Minivans
  • Busy running all around town, racing in/out of parking lots
  • Golden Doodle or Australian Shepherd

By and large, that is the demographic—but it’s obviously tongue & cheek and we work with folks who share some, all, or even none of those attributes.

Bottom line, we love working with you.

In fact, did you know we also have the privilege to serve over 100 families that have retired (and stayed retired).

As a financial planner, I see firsthand what a successful retirement looks like, and I thought I’d share a glimpse of that this morning.

Over the past 20 years, I’ve learned what attributes people assign toward living a life of purpose with financial confidence, and it’s not theoretical.

My experience has afforded me the privilege to witness many of the lessons learned by our retired demographic, which has allowed me to translate it into the plans of our younger, still working families.

Six powerful statements I’ve heard over the past couple of months:

  • “I wish I would have taken more vacations while our kids were younger.” (Fun)
  • “I should’ve taken better care of myself when I was your age so I could keep up with my grandchildren.” (Health)
  • I regret not getting my financial life in order earlier, I feel like we left a lot on the table by waiting.” (Money)
  • “I wish I would have saved and invested outside of my 401k.” (Liquidity & Flexibility)
  • “I’m 79, I have $2m, but now I’m too tired to travel.  I regret not doing more when I had more energy.” (Fun)
  • “I can’t believe I didn’t purchase life insurance when I qualified before I was diagnosed with…” (Protection)

Having the pleasure of being a financial planner provides me unique access to hearing the stories of hundreds of families.

I get to hear the beautiful stories where things worked out well and I get to hear some of the tragic stories where things didn’t go as planned.

“I regret” and “I wish” are two difficult ways to start a sentence, and more than anything I want to help you and others avoid having to accept that as a reality down the road.

If this email resonates with you and if you or someone you’re close to could use help aligning their finances and establishing a financial plan, please reach out to us, we’re accepting new clients and eager to help. 



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