Planning for a wedding can give many couples a long ride on the emotional rollercoaster. There’s the venue, the cake, the dress, and let’s not forget the wedding band.
Get ready to pay
All of the different parts of a wedding can quickly come together to rack up the dollars in what can be an average cost pushing $40,000 in 2019. That can be a challenging consideration for many couples to stomach.
Obviously, for many people, this will be the happiest day of their lives. I don’t want to rain on anyone’s parade, but it is helpful to set emotions aside and begin the planning process with the budget in mind. It is no surprise that anything wedding-related comes with a hefty markup. Vendors know that once love is in the air, common sense may be out of the office.
Love ain’t cheap
So if the thought of a $40,000 wedding has you clutching your chest, you aren’t alone. For example, with all the variables in play, you can do some soul searching, spend on the things that matter to you, and be flexible with the rest. If Mom and Dad cannot help foot the bill, that doesn’t mean you can’t have a lovely wedding. With Pinterest and all the wedding blogs, there is a mountain of inspiration and ways to save.
When it comes to thinking through the big day, the biggest no-no is going into debt for a wedding. With finances being the #1 cause for divorce, saddling your new marriage with debt is the fastest way to wreak havoc on your marital bliss. Come to agree on what’s important and what’s not. Today, couples often pivot to spend less on a smaller, more intimate ceremony and more on the honeymoon away.
Weddings are a grand and beautiful day to celebrate your new and lifelong commitment. Just be careful to plan, be prudent, so your new life together starts on a solid foundation.
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