Financial Planning

Dollars and Diagrams

Leveraging The Age 55 Rule For Penalty-Free 401k Access

401k’s and IRA’s have different rules for penalty-free withdrawals: while age 59 ½ is commonly known, the age 55 rule allows penalty-free 401k withdrawals upon separation from employment, emphasizing the importance of understanding retirement account nuances for early planning.

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Dollars and Diagrams

Steps To Upgrade Your Financial Plan

Clients start with a strong financial plan rated “A,” but my goal is to elevate it to “A+,” adjusting for changing variables like tax laws and personal circumstances, recognizing plans become outdated upon creation.

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Dollars and Diagrams

How Much Should I Be Saving?

After establishing the target “nest egg” of $3.8 million, the next step is to calculate the annual savings needed, such as $77,000 per year over 20 years, accounting for tax implications, especially with various account types.

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